
The Value
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What listeners are saying

Social Entrepreneur

Kevin is a complete professional and has the ability to balance being a professional with making others feel comfortable. His approach lends itself to such an authentic offering which totally enhances the outcome of his interviews. I can see Kevin making an even bigger name for himself in the Podcast, Broadcasting an...

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Communicating value

Had the opportunity to listen to a podcast with Milene from Guadeloupe and it was very insightful on how entrepreneurs ought to communicate value! Excellent

Digital Strategist | The Digipreneur Company

As a past interviewee of the CPL podcast, I think Kevin has crafted a beautiful space to showcase some of the brightest minds of the Caribbean and the diaspora. I was able to see it as a listener but appreciated it more as a guest. Kevin's strength lies in his ability to craft a story, expunge his guest's brilliance an...

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A quality podcast and the guests are always relatebable.

Apple Podcasts
Transparency and Vulnerability

I’ve really appreciated listening in on what feels like sincere conversations about our lives and chasing our dreams. Sometimes I find our regional affect within the Caribbean trends towards a really stubborn opacity, so the utterly human and relatable vulnerability in these shows is like a breath of fresh air. I feel ...

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Apple Podcasts
Great info

Great quality, informative and practical tips. Thank you KV

Apple Podcasts
Great Podcast

Great interviews, with interesting people! Worth the listen!